The GlobalGiving Foundation is a US 501(c)3 charity. It is the first and largest global crowdfunding community that connects nonprofits, donors, and companies in nearly every country around the worl. Since 2002, GlobalGiving has raised 223,379,814 USD from 528,607 donors who have supported 14,635 projects (as obtained from GG’s website on June 19, 2016). GlobalGiving is a powerful community that supports local organizations that are working to educate children, feed the hungry, preserve our environment, build houses, train women (and men) with job skills, and do hundreds of other amazing things. GlobalGiving makes it possible for nonprofits around the world to access the tools, training, and support they need to be more effective and make our world a better place. The vision of GlobalGiving is to unleash the potential of people to make positive change happen, while its mission is to catalyze a global market for ideas, information, and money that democratizes aid and philanthropy.
A GlobalGiving Online Fundraising workshop took place at Reach Out Cameroon’s office located on the slope of Mount Cameroon in Buea, South West Region of Cameroon. This workshop took place on Friday the 17th of June 2016 from 9:30 am to 4:00 pm. Participants were drawn from the South West, Center, North West, East, and South regions of Cameroon. Marc Serna was the main facilitator of the workshop.
During the workshop, participants were drilled on best practices for improving online fundraising and how to optimize their use of GlobalGiving. Participants had the chance to network and share knowledge with each other nonprofit professionals. This second workshop focused on the GlobalGiving platform, with trainings on:
– An in depth tour and training of Global Giving’s core tools,
– Harnessing GlobalGiving’s GG Reward Program to help organizations reach Superstar Status.
The participants went home excited with the lessons learned about the GlobalGiving platform, especially the fact the organizations have up to two years to raise 2500 USD from at least 40 donors.
GERAS Cameroon hopes to be on GlobalGiving soon. So save our organization’s link on GlobalGiving and support us when you have the chance.
Thanks for your continuous support.
Ndzishepngong Kelvin